Curriculum vitae

March 2021 - Today
Collaborator and designer at Open PRoject s.r.l.and previously at Spazio VV33 of Alberto Bortolotti Architect. Interior design, art direction for energy redevelopment interventions, recovery interventions on ecclesiastical assets, 3D modeling and rendering, photo editing, creation of logos and graphics.
Member of the Bologna Order of Architects n°4509
May 2022 - Today
Designing virtual reality experiences and spaces.
Secretary of the Cherubino Ghirardacci Study Center
August 2021 - Today
Secretariat, organization of events and relations with other institutional bodies.
Design and renewal of the coordinated image (logo, website, graphics)
Professional qualification:
Qualification to practice the profession
November 2021
Professional qualification:
Qualification to practice the profession
July 2021
Degree in Construction Engineering and Architecture
2012 - 2021
University of Trento (2012 - 2016)
University of Bologna (2016 - 2021)
Master's degree (LM04) in Building Engineering - Architecture (102/110). Degree thesis in recovery
and conservation of discarded ecclesiastical assets: "The recovery of the patrimonies of the female communities of contemplative life. The case of the Monastery of Sant'Agostino in Vicopelago (LU)".
Specializations during the university career:
Building Recovery and Conservation (30L)
Applied Acoustics and Lighting Technology (30)
2015 - Today
Photographic services for clubs, musical groups, cultural events
and art exhibitions such as the Milan Triennale
- Exhibition "Reflections" at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bologna.
- Photo shoot for the Milan Triennale on the occasion of the "MyCupOfTea" initiative
- Participation in the first Triennale of Italian photography curated by Giorgio Gregorio Grasso (Palazzo Ca'Zenobio, Venice IT)
- Ranked 6th in the “EXPO - Feeding the Planet” Contest organized by Pixtury.
Exhibition of the winning work at the Ara Pacis Auditorium in Rome.
Musician | DJ
2012 - Today
NOITULOVER | Organization and management of musical events and / or cultural events between Bologna and Verona. Production and performance of live music.
Graphic Designer
2019 - Today
Creation of logos, graphics, websites, coordinated images.
Creation, printing and sale of works of art
2019 - Today
Promotion, sale and export of original drawings, prints and photographs through virtual galleries (Saatchi Art, Pixtury, Artboost) or by communicating directly with private collectors.

General skills:
My training course has left me with a marked propensity for transversal deepening of every design problem. I find it essential to take care of every aspect of the project, from the conceptual one to the aesthetic, technical and communicative one. I try to work with order and cleanliness, intertwining from time to time all the skills and collateral skills that I have built up over the last few years with the profession. In addition to my culture in the field of architectural design, I have also built solid skills in other fields such as photography, photo-editing, graphic design and music. I have a good ability to adapt, learn and efficiently organize individual and / or group work.
IT and digital skills
Photo / video editing
Autocad (2D)
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom
Final Cut X
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Site editors
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
In summary: I have a good knowledge of the most used software in the field of CAD drawing, photo / video editing and graphics.
Excellent knowledge of the technique related to the various uses of digital photography and photo-retouching.
Language and communication skills
Excellent and tested communication skills, ability to evolve ideas, thoughts, concepts through the written word, the spoken word, manual drawing or
digital, photography, bringing them to the attention of the interlocutor in the context of the concrete realization of projects.
Good knowledge of English (B2) in both its written and spoken form.