VR spaces
2022 - Today
Virtual reality experiences and installations.

Metapoetry | BRIGHT FESTIVAL 2024
Leopolda Station, Florence (IT)
Poems | Mitilanti
(Andrea Bonomi, Andrea Fabiani, Filippo Lubrano, Alfonso Pierro and Francesco Terzago)
Concept art, 3D modeling, animation and sound design | Alterego Digital Lab
(Elisa Fantini, Martina Generali, Alessandro Olinteo, Leopoldo Ferrari, Sula Chiovenda, Francesco Ulian)
Alterego and Mitilanti together again to present a brand new version of Metapoetry!
Alterego Digital Lab and Mitilanti participated in the 2024 edition of Bright Festival at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence on April 20 and 21, 2024. It was a unique opportunity to present a different vision of our hybrid experience between poetry and virtual reality, along with a unique, site-specific set-up designed ad-hoc for the event and its distinctive location.
Once the visitor donned the visor, inside the Alterego-designed installation, he or she could independently experience one of the five poems that together make up the supporting skeleton of “Metapoetry.” By scanning QR codes set up at the entrance to the dedicated space, it was possible to preview the texts composed by the Mitilanti collective, expressing a preference as to which of the five experiences one wished to visit.
The enjoyment of “Metapoetry” was only one of two parts of the experience proposed for the festival by Alterego and Mitilanti. The two collectives, which have always focused on the interpenetration of physical and virtual, also offered visitors a series of live readings that were interspersed with time slots dedicated to the enjoyment of the virtual experience.
Translated with (free version)
The installation designed for the 2024 edition of the Festival, consisted of a series of five light arches, coupled with five cones of light that described on the ground five circles corresponding to the area available for physical exploration of each virtual experience. The light arches reference both the “Home” environment of the original version of “Metapoetry” and the characteristic arches of the Stazione Leopolda, echoing their proportions.
Find out more on the Alterego Digital Lab website!

Logge del Papa, Siena (IT)

Concept art and sound design | Leopoldo Ferrari
Modeling and animation | Martina Generali, Alessandro Olinteo
Animation and 3D rendering | Elisa Fantini (Alterego Digital Lab)
"From the Greek á¼€ρχή "principle, origin," a term whose use dates back to the earliest days of the philosophical tradition."
What is the origin of the fascination with a straight line or a perfect round shape?
What is the force that drives the human hand to reproduce and recreate certain forms?
What is the role of human beings within their own composition?
"Archè" wants to be an opportunity for open reflection on the theme
of man's relationship with pure primordial geometries,
on their fascination and permanence in the modern world,
on their inevitable influence on everyday life.
The project was carried out in collaboration with:

Music for VR spaces
Listen: Music for virtual spaces