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Via della Libertà, Cento (FE)

Energy upgrading on historic downtown boundary

Type: Art Direction for energy requalification interventions (110%)
Location: Cento (FE)
Size (Facades): 

Status: Realized (2021)

In collaboration with:

Spazio VV33 by Alberto Bortolotti Architect

Eng. Francesco Lipparini

EDEN Energy Building Group


Brief description of the intervention:


The building under intervention is located on one of the avenues that surround the historic center of Cento (FE), right next to one of the historic gateways. It presented typical characters of the intensive residential construction of the 1960s and 1970s, offering some characteristic concrete frames on the facade, which scanned the facade covered with 10x20 cm Clinker tiles. 



The energy efficiency intervention included the application of an EPS thermal insulation coat on the entire perimeter of the volume starting from the first elevated floor above ground.


The design choices focused primarily on the choice of the basic colors to be used, in relation to the typical and recurring colors within the historic fabric of the center. The vertical decorations of the façade were re-proposed and modeled with special pieces in hard EPS tracing the original ones, while the decorative squares present under the openings in the existing state were re-proposed of the same size by diversifying the grain and color of the plaster. 

A stone-effect porcelain stoneware cladding was chosen for the basement in memory and citation of the sandstone originally present on the facade.


The project was carried out in collaboration with:

Arch. Alberto Bortolotti ( | Artistic direction

Eng. Francesco Lipparini ( | Artistic direction

EDEN Energy Building Group ( | Energy efficiency project.

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