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Architecture Projects

2019 - Today

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

2019 - Today


Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

2019 - Today

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Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

2019 - Today

Via Claudia.png

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials


Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials


Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials

Architectural design is the center of my training and my profession.
The resolution of a problem through the invention of a shape, the combination of materials


Recovery project of the Monastery of Sant'Agostino in Vicopelago (LU)

Type: Recovery and conservation of abandoned monastic assets
Place: Lucca LU
Size: 3.000 m²
Year: 2020 - In progress

A project of conscious recovery and conservation of the ecclesiastical cultural heritage from the point of view of social, constructive and spatial sustainability.


(In collaboration with Spazio VV33 by Alberto Bortolotti Architect)

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Via Claudia, Maranello (MO)

Typology: Artistic direction for energy requalification interventions
Location: Maranello MO
Size: 400 m² (external surface)
Year: 2021 - 2022

An energy requalification intervention becomes an opportunity for research on materials.


(In collaboration with Spazio VV33 by Alberto Bortolotti Architect)

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Herns  | House V

Type: Interior design
Location: Bologna BO
Size: 100m²
Year: 2020 - 2021

(In collaboration with Spazio VV33 by Alberto Bortolotti Architect)

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ED_34 (Via Montegrappa, Modena MO)

Typology: Artistic direction for energy requalification interventions
Place: Modena MO
Size: 800 m² (external surface)
Year: 2021 - 2022

An energy requalification intervention in the center of Modena


(In collaboration with Spazio VV33 by Alberto Bortolotti Architect)

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